From Sludge to Biogas

Partial chemical oxidation process of sludge
Increase of soluble COD levels before anaerobic digestor by up to 100%
Increase of sludge porosity and dewatering
Digestors for Municipal wastewater
Digestors for Food leftovers
Digestors for Agriculture sludge
Digestors for Dung and Urine sludge
Our Service
Active materials
Pre-treatment unit
Project design
The Technology
Sludge Treatment Process (STP) - In-situ, partial chemical oxidation process which is based on superoxide radical
The Chemistry of the Process:
CXHY + NaO2 → Na2CO3 + H2O + O2
No metal catalysis
No by-products
No process leftovers
No impact on the digester function
No effect on sludge treatment operations
No adverse influence on biological entities
Increase Profit
Increase biogas generation by up to 50%
Reduce Operational Costs
Decrease dry sludge disposal by up to 20%
Improve sludge dewatering
Benefits of our Solution
New Revenue Stream
At the end of the process, sludge class A (KNP)
Environment Friendly
Negligible CO2 footprint
Low energy requirements
Non-disruptive and safe

Our Service
Active materials
Project design